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Recycling Our Natural Resources

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Scientific Partner

Our partnerships will work with the federal, state, and local government, the EPA, and other environmental groups to develop long term, sustainable and beneficial uses for recycled used oil and petroleum related products.


International Used Oil Research Institute

International Used Oil Research Institute

The International Used Oil Research Institute (IUORI), a 501c3 subsidiary of Aaron Oil Company Inc., (AOC) is tasked with identifying, evaluating, and securing the best available processes and technologies for the hydro-petrochemical reclamation industry. Stewardship has always been at the forefront of everything we do here at the Institute and Aaron Oil. We are committed to safeguarding our environment and resources while remaining ever vigilant of the potential societal and environmental impacts to our global community.

The International Used Oil Research Institute is keenly aware of the immense value of our oil reclamation efforts to maintaining our quality of life as it relates to our energy needs from a human as well as industry needs. These values are evident in our most recent initiatives in workforce development, and environmental justice. We are tirelessly laboring with stakeholders across a diverse and changing landscape to address current and emergent issues.

Finally our steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship has been evident in the lessons learned during the over 30 years Aaron Oil has been serving the Southeastern United States. As such we have sought to capture the knowledge gained as an ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 organization to make said intellectual property available for generations to come. This initiative has precipitated the development of a collaborative relationship between the International Used Oil Research Institute, Aaron Oil Co. Inc., and the University of South Alabama. We are extremely excited and have great expectation for what will result from this collaborative effort as it pertains to the used oil reclamation industry, job training and the careers to be developed as well as preserving our natural resources and the way of life we are blessed to enjoy.